How many ways to index your Website

If Google disable indexing website in search console then, How many ways to Index your Website?

As we all know recently Google has disabled the Website indexing feature. Google is a vast platform to showcase your business or brands or your services. Keyword ranking is the major factor for business improvement. If you website index on Google then your business will get more traffic, sales and make you a brand. Google platform improves your local and global business. Google has many platforms to increase your website visibility and promoting it. Google is the only platform where 95% of people search and spend time on it.

Google has disabled the website indexing feature for a limited time. But as we know, website indexing is how important for us because our all ranking factors come from Google indexing. If the website not index on the Google search console then the website is zero there is no improvement. As a big platform, we always need to rank a website on Google. As if you are a blogger then you have to rank your blog on search engine by indexing.

But As we Google disabled the indexing feature. So we have many ways to do index our pages and blogs and rank on the rank engine. After much research, I have found there are multiple options to index websites and rank the blog and pages on google.

Ways to rank Website Index website on Google

  • 1. Bookmarking Submission:- As we all know bookmarking is the best activity to rank web pages on google. Link your WebPages and blogs to other high DA & PA Bookmarking Websites like,,,,, etc.

  • 2. Sitemap Update:- Update your sitemap on the search console regularly. Also update the sitemap, if you have any change in Meta tags.

  • 3. Ping Submission:- Ping submission is an effective way to index your website or WebPages. Ping submissions index your website on thousands of links and made Backlinks to rank your blog or WebPages on search engine.

  • 4. Search Engine Submission:- If Google disables indexing the index website on other search engines like bing, yahoo, Yandex, Baidu, etc. There are hundreds of websites which do index your links on multiple search engines on just one tab.

  • 5. Web 2.0 Submission:- Do Web 2.0 submissions on multiple sites with your links.

  • 6. Social Media Submission:- Do social media submissions in multiple platforms and drive social media traffic on your websites.

  • 7. Business Listing:- Create your Business on multiple business listing sites and add your all links on those sites.

  • 8. Paid promotions:- promote your business on Google AdWords, then Google will index the website and rank it.

These are various alternative methods to index your webpage or blogs on Google. If you will follow these steps then Google will index your pages and will help you in ranking it at a good place. These are the off-page activities that help you to index websites and create backlinks to increase ranking on the search engine. It also helps you to boost traffic to the website. These activities help to increase traffic and help your page rank on Google 1st page for the better ranking.

If you can’t index a website and you don’t know how to rank a website or index or crawl a website on a search engine or if you want to rank your blog or website on a search engine by organically or paid activity, then you are at the right place. We Digital Hub Point offer all types of Digital Marketing services in All over India.

Our Process

Step 1

Know Your Requirement

At first, we get to know your requirement and what suites you best.

Step 2


Then we can discuss the design and working of the concept we discussed earlier.

Step 3

Work On It

Our team work on your project and always be in contact with you throughout this process.

Step 4


In final step, we execute your project and record the data and handover the details to you.

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